Make your Mumbai Rental Home a Smart Home

Be it lighting, thermostat control, or security of the home, there are a plenty of ways to begin automating your rental apartment in the dream city and brand it as a Smart Home. Apart from making our lives hassle free at home, the Smart home technology also helps in optimizing the energy usage.

Here are few ways to turn your home into a smarter one.

  • Adding Smart Lighting to your Rental Space

If you are looking forward to overhauling your room or rental apartment of Mumbai, adding smart lights to it is the key. Smart Lighting technology helps in saving energy by making adjustments based on daylight availability, occupancy, etc. You can also go for LED bulbs that connect to its smartphone app, change colors, and undertake much more.

  • Entertain Yourself Smartly

Today, there is a smart device for whatever form of entertainment you look forward to. You can now turn on the TV, portable speakers, home theater system, etc. all using your smartphone. You can set the parameters of these gadgets and even access them from anywhere. Furnish you rental place with Smart gadgets and rejoice them smartly.

  • Cook Smartly

The kitchen is the nucleus of every home. With advancement in the technology, there are now smart kitchen appliances that turn your cooking and dining experience into a pleasurable and smart one. There are smart scale, smart cooker, smart frying pan, etc. that not only reduce efforts in the kitchen but also help in reducing wastage while preparing meals.

  • Smart Temperature Controller

Whether it is your own residential space or you reside in a rental apartment, you cannot escape Mumbai’s humidity and heat. A thermostat, thus, becomes a necessity. Invest in a smart thermostat that either lets you control the temperature with your smartphone or using voice command.

  • Smart Way to Secure Your Rental Place

Before you go for smart security systems, ensure that you consult with your landlord first about the same. There are smart home security systems that can send an alert to your smartphone, tablet or phablet when they record or detect any movement in your absence. Apart from alerting you, they can trigger an alarm, inform the police, send alerts when the temperature changes drastically, etc. Also, there are smart locks that let you open your door from your smart devices.

Undertake the aforementioned to label your rental space in Mumbai a smart one. In case, you are not a current resident of the dream city but planning to move here soon, try to find a smart rental home in the city on any of the rental portals, for instance,

Be Smart. Live Smart.

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