How to set up Google Analytics?

How to set up Google Analytics

Whether you run a big website or a small blog, you need to know certain things, which you are supposed to know about it. These would include the number of visitors and their nature like the total amount of time they have been on your site or blog, which content they consumed the most and how long, etc. are important elements to check. Having a good designed website or blog is important for any savvy business in today’s competitive market. The key element is to make it competent by simply understanding the way the customers are using the same. You are supposed to check the info in order to adopt the smart designs, the content quality and the interaction with the audience.  In order to know these details, there is a popular tool from Google called Google Analytics, which can help in reading out the data and understanding about the nature of traffic seen over your site. If you have still not installed this tool, let’s check the way to set up the Google Analytics as under:

Start your account

In order to set up the Google Analytics, the very first step, you are supposed to have a Google account, if you do not have simply sign up there at the site of Google. Signing up at Gmail, would enable you to have a Google account, which can be used in any of the product of this giant search engine. Once you get the Google account, you now would require setting up the Google Analytics Account, remember, as this would be a different login account than your Google account. This is your first step, which you are supposed to complete in order to successfully use this tool.

Accessing the Tracking code for your Google Analytics account

In order to see the Google Analytics account working for your site or blog, you are supposed to add a small amount of code over the page, which you are interested in monitoring. This is nothing but the Google Analytics tracking code, which can be accessed by simply logging through your Google Analytics account. Once you do so, you are supposed to click over the option called Admin found over the upper side of the window. Now choose the right Account and Property followed by clicking over the button called Tracking Info seen at the middle column under the label called Property. Now, you are supposed to click over the option called Tracking Code found under the Tracking Info in order to access the tracking code for your site/blog. Here you get to see multiple line codes, which you are supposed to copy right from starting the <script> to the </script>.

The next steps

Once you do so, you would soon find all your marketing data for your website or blog from this tool without any fee. You get whole lot of data, which may not be all relevant to you. If you are using this tool for your basic monitoring purposes of your online marketing efforts, you are supposed to check four different factors including cost per acquisition, bounce rate, abandonment rates and conversion rates.


The writer is also writing about Google, technology, unlock iphone 5s and iphone 4s unlock.

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