How smoking Affects Your Brain

Smoking is nothing but slow poisoning of the body. Smoking is nothing but a dangerous and hazardous activity that affects right from top to bottom of your body, not a single part is left non-affected. Smoking cigarettes imparts many harmful chemicals in your body which would not directly kill you but pushes you one step ahead of others in the pathway of being affected with cancer. The most harmful chemical that goes into your body and affects the most is Nicotine. Read more on e cigarettes Ireland.

Effects of Smoking on your Brain:

According to physiology the brain is connected through arteries with lungs and the heart. These arteries carry oxygen to heart from the lungs and then carry oxygenated blood to the brain. When you smoke, all the harmful chemicals get intermixed with the blood and carried to the brain. Nicotine the most harmful chemical remains active in the brain for about 30-40 minutes and within this time range Nicotine changes, affects and controls the specialized receptors in the brain responsible for controlling your emotions, memory and feelings which affects the mood of the smoker. Smoking slowly becomes an addiction for the smokers as Nicotine is found to release endogenous opioids and Dopamine that control your emotions, when Nicotine is not taken these opioids are not secreted and thus leading to irritation, change of the behavior, and anxiety are seen in the smokers. Thus to overcome this situations brain sets the levels of Nicotine to normalize the anxiety conditions, and day by day this level goes on increasing thus making the person carving for more smoking.

The most important physiological effects due to smoking are:

· Carotid artery the pathway of carrying blood from the heart to the brain is blocked by smoking thus leading to cerebral thrombosis which finally leads to stroke.

· NNK – A ketone compound present in tobacco that is a potent pro carcinogen leads to damage of nerve cells, and several neurological imbalances in your body and brain.

· Smoking causes oxidative stress that increases anxiety and hypertension.

· Smoking lowers the learning capacity and the memorizing capability of a smoker, i.e. smoking has direct effects on a person’s IQ.

· The thinking ability of a person is also diminished.

Feel Good Chemicals:

These chemicals are secreted within the brain on smoking. Nicotine stimulates the secretion of endogenous opioids and Dopamine that affects the behavior of a smoker. Smokers feel to be relaxed as Dopamine and the opioids have temporary effects on anxiety and also impart positive and pleasurable feelings. The level of Nicotine needed by the smoker goes on increasing day by day as tolerance develops in his brain to. The brain sets new requirement levels for these feel good chemicals, making it impossible for the smoker to quit smoking. Try electronic cigarettes Ireland.

Other Effects of Smoking on Body:

The tar present in the cigarettes elevates the chances lung cancer, bronchial disorders and emphysema in the smoker’s body. The carbon monoxide produced on smoking elevates the conditions of cardiovascular diseases in smokers.


When you smoke you make your body vulnerable to many malignant diseases, quit smoking, and lead a safe and healthy life.

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