SMS Text Messages Marketing Tips

SMS Text Messages Marketing Tips

In today’s economic environment intuitive marketers are seeking more cost effective and timely methods to communicate with their audience – this is where mobile marketing finds its niche. With many options available including Mobile App and Mobile Websites, the SMS Text message remains the original and most popular option, in particular for cost considerations and quick turnaround of business.

SMS Text Messages can be used to simply inform, update, educate or assist in further developing your customer relationship. It can be seen as an overall customer service strategy. Text messages can be seen as direct communication into the hands of your client or prospect and therefore they are a very powerful tool that can get results quickly for your business or operation.

The following are some considerations to take into account when planning an integrated SMS campaign:

Data Protection

It is important to ensure that you are fully compliant with the requirements of the Data Protection Office. Many people neonsms-infographicfind this a difficult area to understand however it need not be if you follow some guidelines as set out in the infographic below.

If in doubt, you should contact the data protection commissioner’s office directly, they are very helpful and can point you in the right direction.

How does it work?

It is extremely easy to set up and run a SMS campaign no matter what the size of your organisation. Firstly, it is important to have a list of opted in numbers and the infographic below sets out some helpful hints to create your list.

Many large organisations use SMS marketing for appointment reminders, booking confirmations, order confirmations, support updates, policy numbers, billing and staff communications to name but a few. There are a number of ways to connect and use SMS including a connection to an existing database so that SMS messages or campaigns can be easily automated.

But what if you are a small business with no experience of SMS marketing? No matter what the size of your organisation, it is possible to tailor a text messaging campaign for your business. For smaller organisations, the SMS campaign can be simply letting your list know about an extra discount or upcoming sale, closing/opening hours due to a cold snap or to drive traffic during a quiet period. Your numbers might be simply saved in an excel file for this requirement and using an online SMS service, you can simply log on to a web account, buy credits, upload your excel file, write your text message and send. It is that simple! See more handy hints on our infographic below.

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