Men behind the television’s origin to inspire many

William Crookes

William Crookes was the reason for the discovery of thallium and cathode-ray studies which became the fundamental basis for the development of atomic physics. Once Thallium was discovered, William Crookes stumbled on the principle of the Crookes radiometer. Crookes radiometer is a device which converts light radiation into rotary motion.

William Crookes’s new theory proved to be useful back then, as number of applications for the development of sensitive measuring instruments were developed.

Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison was instrumental in introducing the modern day age electricity. From being lauded as the creator of the world’s first industrial research laboratory, Thomas Alva Edison has played a critical role in the invention and development of Kinetography.

Being the first early motion picture exhibition device which was designed for films to be viewed by a individual at a time through a peephole viewer window at the top of the device, this Kinetoscope was not a movie projector. Thomas Alva Edison ensured that this would form the basic standard to build on for projection. This was before video was invented.

Kinetography was developed by having sequential images over a perforated film. The prototype which was developed by Edison is solely the reason why we are able to see movies and thus began the movie culture.


Karl Ferdinand Braun

Karl Ferdinand Braun was a German scientist who invented the first cathode ray tube scanning device.

This cathode ray tube also known as the cathode ray oscilloscope is an electronic device that was used to produce visible patterns. Cathode ray tube also presented graphical representations of electrical signals.

John Logie Baird

John Logie Baird was the first person to demonstrate a working television system.

With a viable television system, John Logie Baird used a mechanical picture scanning device with electronic amplification at the transmitter and at the receiver. John Logie Baird was also responsible for pursuing the first 3D television, which he called the “stereovision.”  By applying the stereoscope principle to television, it has now become possible to transmit television images with the appearance of depth and solidity.

Constantin Perskyi

Constantin Perskyi a Russian scientist was instrumental in coining the word television in a research paper.

Until then, it was not known as television.

Constantin Perskyi ‘s research paper predominantly featured the use the photoelectric properties of selenium as the base of research in the field of image transmission.

The French Brothers Louis and Auguste Lumière

The Kinetoscope invented in 1892 by Thomas Edison had the French brothers Louis and Auguste Lumière figuring out the possibility of  combining both film recording and projection into a single device.

Louis Lumière in 1895 founded a three in one device which would record, develop and project motion pictures.


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