Fixing Internet Connection Problems

Fixing Internet Connection Problems

Nowadays, we are more familiarized with the usage of the internet in all the ways for various purposes. In fact, we cannot do anything without the presence of the internet. However, the internet is used in various devices like as the personal computer and mobile phones. In some cases, you may face the situation of internet problems when it is connected to the WAN. In fact, it is one of the most frustrating things that can make you feel irritated.  Sometimes, this problem can be occurred for some silly reasons and therefore you can easily troubleshoot it to fix the problem. Let’s see the ways to fix the internet connection problems in the most effective manner.

Hardware problems with the internet connection

When you have encountered the problems in your internet connection, you need to consider some essential things. In most of the cases, the desktops and laptops may get the problems of internet connections and problems.

  • Initially, you need to check the settings of the system to find whether the problem lies in your computer. If no other devices or computers can get online, then the problem is likely with your networking hardware or the network configuration.
  • If you feel that your system is malfunctioning, then you can try to restart your computer. However, it is the easiest way to fix the issue, when you have this problem.
  • There is always a chance to get this error, when your requested website is currently down and therefore you can try some other websites to know about its connectivity. In fact, it is also better to switch over the browser you are using to fix the issue.
  • If your network hardware that is known as modem or router is having the problems in connecting the internet, then you can try this procedure.
  • You need to unplug the power cables of the router or the modem. Then, you need to wait for some seconds. After that, you can plug the modem and the router back. Then, you have to power on these things to check whether it is working correctly.
  • In some cases, the software on your computer may also cause the problem in the connectivity and so you need to repair in the simplest manner.  As the way, if you are using the Windows OS, then you need to open the Run dialogue box and type as ncpa. cpl. this can help to scan all the problems in your operating system.
  • In fact, it is better to connect your computer directly through the modem, when the problem is caused by the router. This can avoid the problem in the most effective manner.
  • Viruses and some other malicious computer infections can also obtained through online and it can also block your connection. So, you need to update your computer with the antivirus software frequently.
  • When the internet connectivity problem is signal related, it may definitely by the factors like as the interference and distance.  So, you need to take some actions to increase the signal and the network range to avoid this problem.

Fixing the IP address related problems

IP addresses are one of the most important things that you need to consider while connecting to the internet. As the way, you need to specify the correct internet protocol address to avoid this problem.   In fact, each router has its own IP address and so it is important to provide the IP address that is specifically provided for the router. If you have mentioned the wrong IP address, then it does not connect to the internet.

Once you have found the right IP address for your router, you need to provide it on the web browser that is installed on your computer. However, you need to type it carefully.  After you have given the IP address, it redirects you to the user login page. There, you need to login by using your user name and the password. As same as the IP address, the username and passwords are also provided by based on the router you have used.  So, you need to correctly determine it for getting the internet connection.

In this manner, you need to consider all these things when your internet connection is not stable. However, if you cannot fix the problem, then you should call the experts in handling these problems in the effective way. Thus, you can fix the internet connection problem in your own by using these steps.


As this manner, if you are using the specific type of the router that is having the IP address like as, then you need to provide it correctly. Actually, this IP address is the default one for the certain models of the modems and the routers. So, you can use it when you have bought these types of products

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