There are various colleges and universities across the world which provides tertiary education. In other words, tertiary education is the third level of education that is after the completion of school education. Once tertiary education is over, we get degree, certificate or diploma as a proof. But here we are not discussing about degrees or diploma. We are talking about the role of tertiary education in the development of society.
Tertiary education is that level of education which shapes our career and future. Knowledge has become a key element for growth and development in today’s global economic environment. It is also very important for surviving in the competitive environment that has started to prevail for last few decades since globalization came into practice. Today we are living in a knowledge-driven society. Tertiary education is playing a very vital role in national economic development. With emergence of global markets, companies are focusing on getting more and more professionals with the thorough knowledge of the required field. Tertiary level of education provides you the maximum exposure to the practical aspect of the knowledge you already have.
A few decades ago, tertiary education was only considered as higher education. There were very limited fields to study like humanity, science, or social science. Options were limited which led to the development of limited resources. Not every profession was considered profitable. But with changes in economic scenarios of the country and the world, education system also has also changed its priorities. Universities and colleges are focusing on various streams of education. They are changing their orthodox approach and embracing the new knowledge system. They are also changing their teaching methods. This has increased the chances of having different occupations.
Research and development have a very good scope at international level. Multinational Companies are setting up various research centers across the different parts of the globe. They require human resource with improved skill and knowledge. They need experts for their research which again leads us to the question – why tertiary education is important. Number of students has increased at the tertiary level of education. More and more students are opting for tertiary education. Financial institutions are providing them with finance, as there are always chances for students to get decent jobs. International collaborations among universities from different countries are taking place. Due to this students can easily go abroad for higher education.
Different knowledge streams have increased the employment opportunities. Quality of education is also improving. But society is still not able to take full advantage of tertiary education. Expansion and diversification of tertiary education system is required. Proper funds must be arranged for it. All the required human as well as physical resources must be arranged as per the requirement of the system and society. Structure of the system should be such that it becomes easy for the graduates and post graduates to get jobs they deserve. Courses must be updated on regular basis as per the needs of global markets and country’s economy. System must be fair, transparent, and flexible. A long-term vision is required for this purpose.
With changes in policies of world economy, demands, and needs of society has also changed a great deal. And this is leading to change in education system. Some remarkable changes can be seen in last few decades. But there is still a long way to go. Knowledge based professions are increasing. And education system would have to catch up with the demand of professionals required.
Alia is an internet marketer. He loves writing, travelling and blogging. Know more about Alia write ups at You can learn more about Editing and Proofreading Essays at this link.