Nowadays every business houses are working with cutting edge technologies, and aiming to maximize revenue. With the advent of IoT this corporate vision has got a shot in the arm, by extending their market, beyond geographic boundaries. This larger playground has bought in both optimism and challenges for the corporate players. To make a mark in the corporate world, the business house needs to possess technology which is highly mobile in nature. Enterprise mobility solutions address this, by encompassing man, machine, method, and its working environment into mobile based devices, routed through wireless network or cloud based solutions. The motto of enterprise mobility solutions is the integration of day to day business affair with mobile based devices, to ensure better data capture and reporting real time.
Mobility solutions provide extra edge, to the field work force, in terms of reporting and maintaining communication, with the head office. It does provide for better monitoring and control to the management, over business activities. Mobility allows for course correction, in real time, which is essential in today’s dynamic business environment, which requires aggressive strategy making. This is well reflected in the organization policies of BYOD (bring your own device), to the workplace. Organizations prefer to reduce expenditure, by allowing employees to use their own mobile device like laptop, Smartphone, tablets, etc. for official use. Organizations software is loaded onto the mobile devices of the employee for uninterrupted work capabilities.
However, this leaves the organizational database vulnerable to cyber threats, as each mobile device may act as a potential threat entry point. Enterprise Mobility solutions neutralize this problem, by data encryption or remote wipe technology, along with host of other security measures. Mobile based work flow, also leaves a chance for the device to be stolen or misplaced. To protect data integrity, mobility solutions, can remotely delete all the data from the stolen mobile device, before it falls into a wrong hand. However, the data won’t be lost, as the same would automatically be stored in cloud platform. Thus, this centrally managed security protocol, has given a whole new dimension of mobility solution, which has every time provided better value to its customers. The usual data transfer between the organizational command center and the mobile device is always encrypted, to provide enhanced security layer, along with dynamic password protection.
With mobility strategically deployed along all the verticals of the organization, management can now have better control over the resources, and establish better visibility of the business. To gain competitive edge in the global market, organizations need to capture real time field data, which usually doesn’t reach up to the boardroom. With mobility, the productivity of employees increases, as they have the leisure of working from anywhere. This was not the case previously, where, employees were confined to a monotonous cubicle life. Other benefits of mobility solution are streamlining of resource allocation through uninterrupted activity and accessibility. This gives the employees the choice and place of device usage, which is again essential to break the boredom of cubicle life.
However, there are some key points to be noted while going in for mobility solution for your organization. It will be useful to select a technology partner, who would understand your personalized requirement and build the application on that. The choice of technology platform and the implementation methodology has to be organization specific. Any, new implementation, has to be in line with company vision, to churn out maximum value from the project. Mobility allows for inter group messaging, which keeps the workforce updated on the company proceedings minute by minute. Any deviation from the standard operating procedure can be quickly bought under management concern. Not only written messages, the mobility technology can be programmed to share live video feed, or interactive video, between the employees. In that way, a conference can be set up to address any issue, anytime the problem creeps in. This hi-tech working environment brings down the operation cost and increases productivity by addressing issues real-time. Another, important feature of enterprise mobility is that, it’s easy integration feature with the organizational legacy solution. Every component of mobility solution needs to be carefully set up, like mobile application management, end point management, network access control, and content management.