How to Navigate the Evolution of Street Art: From Graffiti to Galleries

Street art has come a long way from its beginnings as simple graffiti scrawled on the sides of buildings. Today, street art is a legitimate art form that is celebrated and showcased in galleries and museums around the world. In this blog post, we will explore the evolution of street art and how it has become a prominent part of modern art culture.


Graffiti is the most recognizable form of street art, and it has been around for decades. Graffiti first appeared in the 1960s and 70s when young people in urban areas started using public spaces to express themselves. Graffiti was often used to protest against social and political issues that were affecting their communities.

Early graffiti artists used simple tags or signatures to identify themselves. Over time, these tags evolved into more complex styles and characters. Graffiti became a way for artists to showcase their skills and creativity to the world.

Despite its popularity, graffiti has always been viewed as a form of vandalism. Cities around the world have cracked down on graffiti and passed laws to discourage the practice. Nevertheless, graffiti remains an important part of the street art movement.


Muralism is a larger, more permanent form of street art that emerged in the 1920s in Mexico. Muralism was used to promote social and political messages and was a way for artists to bring attention to important issues in their communities. The murals were often placed in public spaces, such as schools and government buildings, where they could be seen by many people.

Muralism has since become a popular form of street art and can be found in cities around the world. Unlike graffiti, murals are legal and are often commissioned by local governments or businesses. Murals can take days or even weeks to complete, and they can cover entire buildings or city blocks. Mural artists use a variety of techniques, including paint, stencils, and wheatpaste, to create their works of art.


Post-graffiti is a term used to describe graffiti that has evolved beyond simple tags and signatures. Post-graffiti artists often incorporate elements of traditional art forms, such as painting and sculpture, into their works. Post-graffiti is often seen as a more legitimate form of street art than traditional graffiti.

Post-graffiti emerged in the 1980s and includes artists such as Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat. These artists were able to transition from the streets to galleries and museums, where their works were recognized as legitimate art.

Street Art in Galleries

Street art has come a long way since its beginnings as simple graffiti. Today, street art is celebrated and showcased in galleries and museums around the world. Galleries often host exhibitions featuring the work of street artists, and museums have even dedicated entire exhibitions to street art.

The rise of street art in galleries has caused some controversy within the street art community. Some artists feel that street art should remain on the streets and not be confined to galleries. However, others feel that street art deserves to be recognized as a legitimate art form.


Street art has evolved from simple tags and graffiti to become a recognized and celebrated art form. The evolution of street art has led to new techniques and styles, and it has inspired a new generation of artists. If you want to learn more about street art or want to create your own street art, there are many resources available online.

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