How to Become a Successful Interior Decorator

How to Become a Successful Interior Decorator

Are you constantly contemplating on décor ideas of every building in sight? You could be popular among friends and family for possessing flair at choose the right home décor stuff and for arranging your household stuff in an artistic way.  These tested tips give you real life insights on becoming an interior decorator.

  1. Educational Degree

An educational career in interior decorating gives you a detailed introduction on the history of interior decoration and beyond. Education provides you with a degree that officially entitles you to practice interior décor.  This fun quiz could help you to match your personality to your aspirations.

  1. Consider an Internship

Taking up an internship helps you to get the much needed real world experience of working with clients and performing in a team. An internship also brings you closer to people who share similar interests like you do.

  1. Work Closely With Contractors

As a decorator you will be taking care of cosmetic alterations of a building but you will still be working closely with contractors and builders in your career. Working extensively with contractors will educate you about their way of work and helps you to learn their lingo for future use.

  1. Develop Passion for People

You will be working with many other aspects from people to buildings throughout your career. It is important to know people inside-out; everything from human psychology to behavior; to deal with your clients -the right way of course!

  1. Certifications for Finesse

Certifications keep you abreast with all the constant changes that take place in your field. While your experience sure teaches you all that you need, certifications will only add on to your qualification and experience.

  1. Build a Portfolio

A portfolio is an identity through which your clients and co-workers recognize you. Invest on building a quality portfolio that summarizes your experience and qualification. Flaunt your achievements and testimonials so your client knows what to expect from you.

  1. Stay Updated

Interior décor trends change without a notice. Decoration shows, real life experiences or even discussions with experts, choose any means and seize every opportunity to stay in-line with trends. Afetrall, your trend-fanatic clients come to you for stylish updates.

  1. Build Contacts

As a decorator you will be expected to strike bargains on home décor stuff for your clients. Building trade contacts become vital to have the best information readily available at hand. A well-built database of important contacts related to your field is something you cannot undervalue as an interior decorator.

  1. Get To the Source

Managing budget would be yet another vital responsibility entrusted to you as a decorator. Build close contacts with the manufacturing sources so you know where to get custom size rugs that are made to order plus come straight from the source.

  1. Secure a License

A professional interior decorator is entitled to a license that helps you to secure trade discounts for your client’s project; this makes you the most wanted home decorator. Now, who doesn’t like discounts?

Author Bio: This article was written by Lubna Ali Khan. She loves interior designing, home décor and art & craft. She regularly blogs at


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