With the rise and the development of the Internet, there are more and more people who work from home. As much as it may sound appealing to stay in your jammies the whole day and simple grab your computer and bring it into bed and start working, the truth about working from home is a little bit different. There is a realistic danger of people not being as productive as they are in the company offices, because they simply cannot place themselves into that ‘working mode’ at home. That is why it is an excellent idea to set up a home office for yourself. Here are some useful guidelines about making your home office just perfect.
Make it About Work
Don’t just make another bedroom or a living room. Make your office space all about your work and get all the things that make it too ‘homey’ out of it. This includes all the TV sets, blankets, fridges and other things that make it too cozy. This is the place that should have all the characteristics of the real office because that is exactly what it is. Make sure that you have all the office supplies, equipment and good office furniture for your home office. Also, make it a completely separate space. If possible, use a whole room, but if you are short on space, at least make sure that the office corner is visually separated than the rest of the room.
Choose the Lights
In order to be the most productive the possible, make sure that you have some good light at your home office. If possible, use all the natural light that you can. If not, use a strong central light, preferably white, as well as the accented light on your working desk. Also, make sure that your light is properly positioned. If you are working on a computer, a direct light into the screen will make a glare that you will not be able to see the screen properly. If you are working on a paper, reading, writing, or drawing, make sure that the light is not positioned in a way to create that annoying shadow on your work.
Choose the Colors
The first rule of thumb with colors is that red, yellow and orange are more dynamic and inspirational, while blues and greens are relaxing and calming. Therefore, it all depends on the fact what you want your office to be. If you need a soothing place to think in peace, cooler colors are for you, while more enticing colors are for those who want dynamic working hours.
Make it Comfortable
Even though you are at your home, you will be spending a lot of time in your office. Therefore, just like you would do with the office at the company, your home office should have as many ergonomic details as possible. Think about a good office chair, computer equipment and the other things that would make it as healthy for your body as possible, eliminating bad consequences of sedentary lifestyle.
Since you are taking your work from home seriously, it is important to take this home office thing seriously as well. Therefore, think hard about these ideas before making that office just perfect for yourself and your job.
For more information about office design visit: https://www.inoneprojects.com.au/