Create a virtual machine in Windows: How

Create a virtual machine in Windows

A virtual machine is basically a piece of software, which simply pretends like a machine or computer to carry out a number of unusual tasks like running windows over Mac based PC. In other words, it could be called as a computer running over another computer. One of the key by-products of this machine is that you could separate two different systems completely from each other, which helps in getting higher level of security. You could create a virtual machine in different machines; however, you will find this article dealing in Windows 7 by employing the Windows Virtual computer. Although, you could find a number of features in Windows 7 within the operating systems, yet many of the programs doesn’t run since they are not compatible over the windows 7 OS. You could create the virtual machines (VM) using the virtual computer, which can help you in installing and running these programs. This can really benefit you a lot without actually losing anything. By using the Windows virtual computer, you can create a number of virtual machines and hence could run over several operating systems over each one of these. So, let’s check the number of steps involved in creating the virtual machine in Windows 7 in the following paragraphs:

The basic step- getting started

In the first step, you need to choose the start button then go to All Programs and then to Windows Virtual PC option followed by choosing Virtual Machines. If you fail to see the Windows Virtual PC over the start menu, you are supposed to download the same over the Microsoft official site followed by installing it over your PC. You are not able to use the Virtual PC 2007 along with your Windows 7, this happens when you have upgraded to Windows 7 from your earlier versions of windows. Hence at such junctures you are supposed to install the newer windows Virtual PC over your computer to start creating the VM.

Step 2- creating machine button

In the next step, the windows you see getting opened up after the above step, here you have to click over the button of Create virtual machine over the toolbar. Then you will find the virtual machine wizard opening up. Now, you need to name your virtual machine along with specifying the location, which will help in storing the virtual machine file. Now, you are required to click over the Next button, wherein you would see the wizard asking you specify your network and memory options.

Step 3 – Define the RAM

Though you could see the virtual machine running with a RAM of 4 MB, but if you choose to give more space, it would work more smoothly as ever. Hence deciding about the RAM space is carried out in this step. A better RAM capacity will help you in getting proper network access.

Step 4- Giving a drive letter to your VM

In this step, you need to employ the current drive or just create the one by simply portioning the current drives. You could also opt for the choice – ‘Create a Virtual Hard Drive via Advance options’. If you opt for this choice, you would be moved ahead to the wizard pages series for building up a more advance level hard drive. But in case if you do not have any specific requirements, you just have to stick to your own basic options.

Step 5 – The final step

Once you complete the above step, you then are supposed to choose the Start Menu go inside the Programs to find out again the Windows Virtual PC followed by choosing the Virtual Machines. Now, you are supposed to click twice of this newly added machine to start using it over your Windows 7 desktop.

Final word

By following the above five important steps you could end up installing a virtual machine over your Windows 7 based computer. So, make sure you follow the same to reap rich dividends.

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