When you drive your vehicle, there are certain risks that you should be aware of so that you can stay safer on the road. Taking the right precautions can save you from getting into an accident and possibly endangering your life and the lives of others. Here are four safe driving tips that you’ll want to follow.
Make the Proper Adjustments Beforehand
Before heading onto the road, you should adjust your seat and mirrors so that you’ll be able to see well and drive comfortably. Climate control, radio and navigation features should also be programmed to your liking beforehand so that you’ll have less distractions when you drive. If you need to make any other adjustments while you’re on the road, wait until you stop at a red light or pull off to the side of the road before doing so.
Use Headlights at the Appropriate Times
You’ll naturally want to turn on your headlights when driving at night, but you should also use your headlights when it’s raining or snowing to make yourself more visible to other motorists. High beams are appropriate to turn on when you’re on a dark road with no street lights and no other drivers are present. Using your low beams will make it easier to see through thick fog and is actually safer than turning on your high beams.
Drive Defensively
You’ll increase your chances of avoiding car accidents when you drive defensively around other motorists. Keep a safe following distance of at least two seconds from the other vehicle that’s ahead of you to give yourself enough time to stop safely. Professionals, like those at Bennett & Sharp PLLC, know that if you’re being tailgated, try to pull into a slower lane or off to the side of the road to let the other vehicle pass. Be careful not to engage with aggressive drivers who may try to provoke you.
Watch out for Animals
An animal might make its way onto the road suddenly and pose a major safety hazard to you. If a cat, dog or wildlife creature crosses your path, you might be inclined to slam on your brakes, which could cause you to lose control of your vehicle or be involved in a rear-end collision. Your vehicle might also sustain extensive damage if you end up hitting the animal. Slow down without slamming on your brakes and sound your horn if you see an animal on the road. October through December is deer mating season, and these wildlife creatures are known to wander onto roads at dawn and dusk. If you see a deer crossing sign, be on the lookout for these animals.
You’ll have better odds of making it to your destination safely when you exercise caution behind the wheel. Following the right safety advice can keep you and your vehicle in one piece.