It is quite easy to set up blog software and but a large number of bloggers use online blog service. Here you need to go through a definite procedure and plenty of databases and scripts. In case, of the blog software, you need to provide a little bit more time and effort. Nevertheless, it would be great if you have a blog on your own domain.
1. Download the wordpress blog software
First of all, you have to download the wordpress blog software. For that, you need to go to the home page of wordpress and then click on the “download” option to download the software. Try to download its latest version in ‘zip’ link. There you may get a ‘wordpress’ folder. However, you may change the name of the folder.
Go to the extracted folder and open the file called “readme”. It explains you how to set up a wordpress on your server. We’ll try to cover this process little bit more detailed. Basically what you need to do is create a database in your host control panel, configure one file in the wordpress folder, upload everything to your server and follow a few steps to finalize the installation process. If you rename it as ‘blog’, then it would be shown like the After that, go the ‘readme’ to get familiar with the wordpress software.
2. Create a database
The next step is to create a database. Your web host needs to permit you to generate databases. If observe that it doesn’t let you do that, then you have to change the host. Then, make sure that the host makes use of “cPanel” as the control panel. You should learn how to create databases using different panel, in case if you have a dissimilar control panel.
Now, it’s time to login to your control panel by using a provided password and username. Then go to the “MySQL Databases” and you will be transferred to the database-creating page. Afterward, you have to provide name and then create a database along with user id and password. Do not forget to keep the information private.
3. Upload and edit wordpress files
Now, you need to copy the blog folder that possesses all the wordpress files and paste it into the main folder of your site. However, you would be also able to upload the folder from a desktop to your server. Then, go to the precise blog folder and open a “wp-config-sample” PHP file by Notepad or with WordPad and make the needful changes.
4. Add a link on your blog to get RSS feed
The final task is to do is insert a link on your blog. It helps viewers to subscribe your blogs whenever those get posted. Never forget the stage, as it is an imperative part that increases the number of your viewers.
Hence, you can understand that it is not too tough to set up your own blog software. You just have to go after those steps properly. If you carefully do the needful task, then you would have your own blog software.
Alia is an writer blogger. She loves to writing about technology, software. These days she writes an article on Scanned JPEG to Editable Word File Converter