Many people tend to think more about their health as they get older. They tend to consider health problems only after they have gotten serious. The best way to maintain optimal health, however, isn’t to wait until you already have health problems. Younger people who are proactive about their health today won’t suffer as many health problems or expenses as they age.
Long Term Dietary Changes on Metabolism
One of the most important changes you can make when you are young are changes to your diet. Once you are overweight or have diabetes, much of the health damage has already been done, and it is harder to reverse this damage.
An important health distinction is that changing your diet for the long term isn’t the same thing as going on a “diet” in the classic sense. Short-term diets or fad diets have few actual health benefits and often don’t produce any lasting changes. Meaningful changes to how you eat and the food you choose every day are going to make a real lifetime difference.
While many changes are caused by diet, one of the most important and hidden lifelong changes are those to taste and metabolism. What you eat doesn’t just influence your health, it influences the types of foods you later crave, and it changes how your body processes the nutrients from those foods. Those who eat vegetables and fruit regularly and abstain from foods high in fat and sugar will stop craving those unhealthy foods. The body may even react negatively when those foods are consumed. Once healthy eating habits have been set, they tend to carry forward, promoting good health for years and decades to come.
Promotion of Cellular Health
Science has come a long way in understanding disease and how our bodies work to combat illness and even death. The body is an incredible regenerative machine, able to restore itself and cure itself of even very debilitating and fatal conditions. This is only true when we provide the body with the nutrients and materials it needs to perform its regenerative processes at the cellular level. Far beyond just the basic understanding of calories, carbs or fat, a truly health-conscious person will examine the micronutrients and other important molecules that our cells need to function.
An otherwise healthy person can get the boost from these beneficial micronutrients through supplements and recovery drinks. The ability to promote cellular health can be achieved with recovery drinks, like ASEA, that provide the body with the natural tools it needs to combat disease and aging. This YouTube video discusses how ASEA works with the body by “restoring something native to your own body” or redox molecules that the body already produces but in less than optimal quantities for better health. This boosting of already naturally occurring compounds and nutrients is a hallmark of many beneficial supplements.
The Importance of Exercise and Strength Training
Many people are motivated to hit the gym only after they are concerned about their weight, strength or body image. As with nutrition, waiting makes it that much harder to reach a healthy goal. There are also many benefits to working out and strength training earlier in life.
The human body is highly adaptable and responds to stress by making itself stronger. While too much stress results in sickness or injury, just the right amount will make you healthier. This is especially true when it comes to intense exercise and strength training. Vigorous exercise is tiring and painful, but the body becomes stronger as a result. Muscles must be damaged slightly to grow bigger and bones and joints get stronger when they are put under controlled strain.
The benefits of exercise to muscles, bones and joints carry on into later life. A person who has had a lifetime of healthy activity is likely going to have less need of joint replacement and less fear of osteoporosis or bone fractures.
Prevention of Aging
While it is common for people to say someone has died of “old age” or “natural causes” the real meaning of these terms is that a person has died from an illness we commonly attribute to age. In fact, nobody really dies of “old age” but rather an identifiable medical condition like heart disease or stroke. Many such diseases can be attributed to a health defect that has occurred over a prolonged period. Excessive tissue inflammation is linked to many diseases, as are prolonged nutrient deficiencies. The body slowly deteriorates due to poor health habits until something fatally breaks. While it is unlikely anyone will preserve their health forever, slowing this degeneration is a lifelong process that will thwart many diseases commonly associated with old age.
Even young adults are technically aging and beginning the degenerative process. It is never too early to get a jump start on health and healthy habits.